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Finding Your Centre

Writer: Tanzi BaigentTanzi Baigent

As we are held within the sacred cycle of the sun, we are nourished by the light of Sagittarian rays.

In the Northern Hemisphere we are experiencing this time as one limited by the vision of the sun, with such short daylight hours we may feel more connected to the moment of its' rising and its' setting. That bridging moment between the light and dark, day and night, conscious and unconscious, physical and metaphysical. And so we come to meet the essence of Sagittarius and the essence of Temperance, the Tarot card assigned to this time.

Sagittarius is another sign of mutability, another 'hinging' between the seasons.

There is much to say about Sagittarius and this will be deepened and expanded out in the monthly class, however this post is speaking to this time of Temperance.

When we meditate on the card we see that 'hinging' moment where the sun sits upon the horizon, whether is is rising or setting is less important than the presence of being in the in-between; for this is the place of Temperance. Following on from Death it is the transition space between Earth and Heaven, Death and Rebirth, Matter and Spirit. This is the rainbow; the bridge between humans and God/s.

And so where can we place this in our lives, how can we root the experience of this energy in this time and in our lives?

It is the time of crossing the boundaries between Worlds (all Worlds) ie. metaphysical and each others'. It is about building understanding, growing in wisdom, practical vision and broader dreams, holistic healing and hibernation in order to recalibrate physically and spiritually.

Temperance is all about bridges and balance. The place between two experiences, two ideas, two thoughts, two pathways. And it is not necessarily about choosing but being with the options, opinions, inquiry. Not about solving them. It is the seeking of spirit through experience not necessarily through action or passivity... but that place somewhere in the centre of the two.

Even the word itself encourages meditation, contemplation and removing extremes.

Temperance encourages us to find our centre, to come into balance, to be in the presence of experience itself. And when we lean in we find that in presence we are met with the deepest peace, the source of serenity, the eternal moment. Space and time dissolve into eternal presence.

This is where we can come face to face with the angels.

A 'place' of healing, prayers, gratitude, quiet, calm and peace.

This is 'coming home'.

It is an inward and outward pilgrimage to seek understanding, wholeness, an enlightened state of being. Sagittarius, often connected with optimism and faith, is seeking not simply material satisfaction but a quest for understanding through experience. They are finding spirit through freedom and may even find themselves placing themselves in challenges so they can find a way to grow through it.

The symbol of the triangle in Temperance is a symbol for 'fire' as well as 'balance'.

The inner most truth is that fire must be managed and in Temperance and Sagittarius the fire is contained, or redirected towards a desire to know oneself, to be in the present.

"All those who wonder are not lost".

The arrow of Sagittarius and the triangle of the angels are directing us straight to the heart and truth of all things


Tansy has been involved in healing and holistic therapies for over ten years, and has been meditating and card reading since she was a child. It is her greatest desire to be a healing guide for others' and to show the profound richness of meditation and cards in helping us all to bring greater balance, harmony, clarity and joy to our lives.

Tansy's offerings include meditation teaching, holistic counselling, spiritual guidance, reiki and tarot card reading (& mentorship)

You can find Tansy at

Or follow her on Instagram at tansy_alexandra


Every month, we teach a Class on the astrology and tarot of each month to help you to understand the energies of each month and to work with them.

Visit our sign-up page HERE to find out more about pricing.

With love and blessings


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