Atop a throne in a bare and barren land we find The Emperor.
Time may have taken its toll... many moments have been lived and endured.. yet a youthfulness remains, and The Emperors' bright eyes attest to the vigour of life and passions that still course through his body and mind.
We have met the father and divine masculine of the Tarot.

The Emperor's place has not been easy to attain or maintain; battles have been fought, pains have been suffered. His armour is still worn, showcasing the protection he still carries, for he may be at the helm this moment and into a War the next. He is battle-ready.
And perhaps in this moment so are we? Holding both a sense of World-wisdom and a World-weariness. The scars of pain are also those of pride. For we do not endure without also learning.
This time in our lives has been one where our autonomy, our authority, our safety and security has been targeted and compromised. The Emperor within us all has been challenged, and after the constant battling slight chinks in the armour have been seen. Our soft spots exposed and pressed upon. Yet we did not break, even when we fell. We may have lain for a moment but then we got up, and we carried on.
Now with April and the Emperor ruling this month there is an opportunity to renew our strength, for despite the fatigue, in his energy we find a perseverance, a resilience, a drive to reclaim our composure and our sense of (temporary) control. We rally our Spirits and determine to make the best of the situation. We have a life to live and The Emperor within us is ready to reclaim the helm.
And so we return to the throne. The depleted landscape of our lives after the cold, dark winter is shown in all its' bare glory to us.
And perhaps, if we were anything less than the Emperor we may cower or hide or withdraw - so daunting a task it seems to turn this scene into something fruitful and beautiful - but we don't. We take a long deep breath, we straighten our sheath, draw out our map and collect our tools.
With discipline, commitment, strength and determination we face the arid desert, that vacuous space left depleted and dry from the dark winters’ efforts and the metaphorical dying of the old and outdated.. and we begin the work.
One action, one effort, one step placed one in front of the other. This is the way. For we have been seeded with ideas, have been fuelled with resilience and tasked with the will to keep moving forward even if the steps are slow and cautious.
If we simply keep putting one foot in front of the other a new world will emerge, a new life will arise out of the old, the desert will be transformed.

This is the shadow, but necessary, side of Spring. For flowers to succeed they must push through the dark and emerge out into a harsh and sometimes seemingly abusive World. Where their delicate buds are thrashed by rain, hail, frost and bruised by burning rays and wild winds. But they endure. And slowly, surely, they gain strength and they grow.
What does it mean for us to be that delicate bud. How does the energies of the Emperor appear in our own lives at this time? And, what are the steps that you are wanting to take?
Consider the emotional, physical, mental impacts of this time. Where is your growth edge? What is your resistance?
Enquiry is something of an Emperor quality; enquiry, planning, preparation, pursuit.
Do you want to learn more about this time and the energies of Aries and The Emperor? Purchase our April Class.
Find out more here
Tansy has been involved in healing and holistic therapies for over ten years, and has been meditating and card reading since she was a child. It is her greatest desire to be a healing guide for others' and to show the profound richness of meditation and cards in helping us all to bring greater balance, harmony, clarity and joy to our lives.
Tansy's offerings include meditation teaching, holistic counselling, spiritual guidance, reiki and tarot card reading (& mentorship)
You can find Tansy at
Email her at
Or follow her on Instagram at tansy_alexandra
If you would like to join us for this magical journey or work with Tansy Baigent simply visit to discover all that we have to offer for the months ahead.
With breaths of magical blessings x