Delve into the myth, magic, atmosphere and meaning of Taurus,
The Empress & The Hierophant (traditional Taurus association)
as we experience them from within the month they influence (May).
Enchanting Fortuna offers a chance to live with the cycles, the seasons, the signs,
and the energies of our bodies.
A fertile time for blossoming our understanding of Taurus,
The Empress and the Hierophant.
The full force of fire is subsiding and a gentle 'earthing' is taking place.
With the Emperor and Aries energy bringing in the life force, the seeds.
The Empress is the incubation, nourishing them into growth.
The Hierophant then is the opening to guidance, a growth of spirit and wisdom.
Thus Taurus is a combination, growth both physically and spiritually.
Join this month and we will take you on a journey through May with written content,
a class, and the embodiment of the energies through a yoga practice.
Purchase each element separately (below) or purchase the whole month
for just £15 by clicking the link below
Join us for the Journey through Mind, Body and Spirit
(note if you are subscribed to the full month all class recordings will be e-mailed to you as they become available throughout the month)
A public podcast to discuss the month ahead, a look at the themes of April and the astrological and tarot associations of Aries & The Emperor, as well as our personal stories.
A pre-recorded class exploring Taurus, The Empress & The Hierophant with Amanda Simon and Tansy Baigent. The class will explore and deepen the themes from the Podcast and provide practical ways to use the sign and the card in readings.
Mindfully move with this wonderful monthly-inspired (pre-recorded) yoga practice lead by Georgie Crickmere.
Our musings and media for the month. Keep checking back to discover all additions
In this month’s yin yoga you will be connecting to your feminine energy, the nurturing, caring grounded, stable part within yourself. Embrace your inner Empress (as reflected in tarot) this season, the inner feminine is represented by lots of qualities and this sequence and season is all about grounding into your sense of self to share your individuality through creative expression.
May Podcast
Each month we will be releasing a new podcast episode in which we
discuss the themes of the month and how you can work with the
energies being offered.